BRUCE Pile Driving Equipment NEWS

The BRUCE SGH-4719 Piling Hammer Successfully Completed the Pile Driving of Sakonnet River Bridge at RI, USA


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Government RI DOT, USA released annousment : Pile Driving successfully Completed at Sakonnet River Bridge Project
The Rhode Island Department of Transportation (DOT) announced Thursday that it has concluded pile driving operations on the Sakonnet River Bridge project in Tiverton and Portsmouth.


The last round of pile driving concluded on Tuesday, and positive test results available Thursday on the success of that operation means that the department can conclude this phase of the bridge project.

Hydraulic Pile Hammer -BRUCE Piling Hammer
Impact Pile Hammer - BRUCE SGH-4719

“We appreciate the patience of the residents and business owners near the bridge and apologize for the noise and disruption the pile driving operations caused,” DOT Director Michael P. Lewis said. 

“We are excited to reach this milestone thanks to the efforts of our contractor, Cardi Corp., as we continue replacing this valuable transportation link to Aquidneck Island.”
The DOT broke ground on the bridge replacement project in April 2009.
The $163.7 million contract with Cardi Corp. for the construction of the new bridge is the largest single contract in DOT’s history.

The department anticipates the new bridge to be open to traffic in spring 2012; however, the contract with Cardi Corp. 

includes an early incentive clause which could result in the bridge opening to traffic earlier

manager JH KIM

[email protected]

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