BRUCE Pile Driving Equipment NEWS

A Success Story at Christchurch Public Hospital


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The Bruce SGV-40 Excavator Mounted Vibro Hammer has made satisfactory to customer !!!
Appreciation Letter from Mr. Michael Whittaker, Allied Construction Ltd.


which has a Eccentric Moment 6.6 kg.m
and maximum Centrifugal force of 800 kN
Powered by and mounted on excavator model Sumitomo SH-210 (21 ton).



We were delayed here in Christchurch when your SGV-40 vibratory hammer arrived, but we have finally had the chance to put it to work.
We have just completed a 4m deep sewer pipeline replacement at the Christchurch Public Hospital, where we had to drive 6m
SP3a sheets in very close proximity to the buildings, including buildings which housed the brain and body scanners.
The driver and the goose neck all fitted the excavator excellently and the mechanics found it relatively simple to set it up for
the excavator thanks to your comprehensive manual.

Vibro Hammer - BRUCE Sheet Piling Hammer
Vibratory Hammer - BRUCE Sheet Pile Hammer

I am pleased to tell you that the vibro hammer worked excellently and that the operators are very happy with it. 


The SGV-40 vibratory hammer was driving the 6m sheets a lot quicker and easier than other Japanese excavator vibro hammers that
contractors are using here in Christchurch. The high frequency operation of the SGV-40 vibro hammer was appreciated, with no
complaints from the hospital regarding vibrations of their buildings and sensitive equipment.


Overall we are very happy with the driver and it has attracted attention from other contractors, I have attached a couple of photos
of it at work and attached to one of our excavators, as you can see it was a small job but in tight surroundings.

manager JH KIM

[email protected]

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